How To Get Your Business From The Kitchen Table To The Boardroom


Most of the major businesses you know today started in the kitchen or their garage. Top companies like Apple, Amazon, Disney, and many more began at home, and today, the rest is history. Of course, it isn’t relatively easy to make a move. There are many adjustments to make to achieve a successful transition. Building a website using a leading web design agency helps to take you one step closer to the boardroom, but there’s more to consider. Below are some proven steps to get your business from the kitchen table to the boardroom. The tips provided below might make all the difference between business growth and a failure; let’s begin.

Carry Out A SWOT Analysis

SWOT is an acronym for strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat. Analyzing these aspects of your business will give you a better understanding of where your business is today. It will also help you recognize opportunities that your advance your business tomorrow. SWOT analysis focuses on the marketplace and enables you to understand the risks and rewards available. If a website is your weakest link, carrying out a SWOT analysis helps you recognize the need for a top web design agency.

Get Trusted Advisors

One challenging thing you will have to do when trying to get your business from the kitchen table to the bedroom is making critical decisions. There are many decisions to make that shape your business, like technology, marketing, financing, sales, real estate, and many more. Most of these decisions require expertise that you may not possess. However, you can play around with these decisions as they are vital. Get trusted advisors or talk to professionals in the various aspect of the business. Talking with an expert web design agency will save you the stress of thinking about web marketing on your own. If you’re interested in real estate investment, check out RealVantage and start building your real estate portfolio today!

Develop Procedures

For your business growth to be scalable, you need to create processes that will lead to growth. The goal is the boardroom, so the decision-making process will have to change. Instead of settling things with just a nod or a handshake, you have to systemize everything. This step ensures the business goes on smoothly and will reduce business upsets in the future.

Hire the Right People

You can no longer do it by yourself. For your business to grow, you will need more staff, and if you get it right, you can save yourself money. You can leave the job to human resource professionals to deal with hiring the right auditor, salesman, web design agency, and many more. When you outsource to the right people, you will save yourself potential financial exposure and a lot of stress.

Marketing and Sales Are Important

If people don’t know what you have to offer, moving from the kitchen table to the boardroom is impossible. You have to acquire more clients to be able to make a move. Ensure you find the right set of professionals in getting your product or service in the right market. These people must also be able to handle PR, marketing, sales, and social media platform. Once you have this in place, your business would begin to grow, and soon, you’ll be making the switch.